The Worlds Natural Beauty

The Worlds Natural Beauty
Alaskan Grizzly Bear

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Go and explore. Don't forget to bring the camera!

How wonderful God's creation is. From the roaring rivers in Montana, the amazing forests in British Columbia, to the abundent wildlife in Alaska, God made this earth nothing short of amazing. Everywhere you turn there seems to be something new and exciting to experience. Just do a little exploring and you'll be amazed at what you might find. 

Day 1 of trip: Waking up to a beautiful twilight over the Wyoming, high desert. Cody Wyoming a small but eventful town just outside the entrance of Yellowstone National Park. Everything completely still except my thumping of my heart as this was the day I embarked to Alaska. Road trip anyone? The next 3,000 miles on the road would turn out to be the some of the best I have ever experienced... That first day was nothing but driving until we got into Glacier National Park late in the day and set up camp. We then explored the park before sunset and found many beautiful places along side the road to stop and take pictures. The above picture was one of the pictures along side the one main road that goes through the heart of Glacier National Park. Beautiful waterfalls and gentle brooks wound their way down the mountain sides and eventually into a river at the bottom of the valley. Up and up the road went all the way to a pass which was above tree line. With bighorn sheep literally right in front of us, we had plenty of time to spare and shoot some amazing animals. Glacier National Park was a pleasant place but we had our eyes fixed to the north towards Alaska. The next day we were on the road again and headed to Banff, Canada. Once again God just took our breaths away at this amazing place. We spent several days cruising Banff and its wonders but once again we were ready to ride north to the "Last Frontier". While listening to Gregory Alan Isakov ("and ahh that full bellied moon she's a shinin on me
yeah she pulls on this heart like she pulls on the sea") 
we continued our trek. Driving through BC was amazing. I already have a section devoted to that but I could go on and on about how perfect it seemed to be. Thick, dark forests and then little openings to let a peaceful field come into view and then before you know it, back to the wet and dark forests again. We stopped at a lake for the sunset and it seemed that God was just shouting his glory at us. On and on we drove late into the night past thousands of lonely trees that the seemed to look the same for miles and miles. We could drive for 50 miles and see a total of 5 homes. The wilderness is dominate in this part of the world. Thats what I love about it. 

Beauty seems to be never ending from Montana all the way to Alaska. If you ever have a chance to make this trip I urge you to do it. It will be one the most amazing experiences of your life. You'll come closer to God and his creation every minute. Don't let your guard down if you think it starts to get boring. The next corner your mouth will drop and you'll stare in awe just like you have been for the last thousand miles on the road. The world is beautiful. There are plenty people who never venture outside there state and don't think anything of it. They are missing so much. Just go out and explore. Oh, and take your camera with you. God will give you many opportunities to capture His beauty through your lens. Just remember he made this for you to enjoy so lets give thanks for that fact. Goodbye for now and I hope you take the chance to go explore and experience Gods creation like I have this summer. 

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Seth Walker Photography

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